A Leader Is More Than A Manager

Being a manager or leader implies more than administrative and economic knowledge. In addition to running a company or a team, the leader also has the difficult task of attracting and retaining extremely valuable employees. Because engaging valuable employees is challenging considering that people nowadays are not really interested in participating in the decision making process here is a top of the most desirable traits of today’s leaders.

First of all, you need to be passionate about what you do

If your employees see that you are very passionate about what you are doing, they will be willing to go to the end of the earth with you. Consequentially, a good leader will know how to light the signal fire, jumpstart the beliefs of his employees and put in extra effort to see the vision accomplished. Basically, if a manager is not passionate about his work, he can never be a true leader.

Know thyself

Having a strong, well-defined character is mandatory for anyone who wants to become a leader because the native trump cards and limitations of that person will play a key role in the management style. Therefore, if you are interested in becoming a leader, it is advisable to take the time and get to know yourself first. On a side note, you should seriously consider contacting a San Diego therapist and discover the personality traits that can affect your leadership style.

Have a vision of the goals that need to be achieved

Unfortunately, most leaders nowadays confuse having a vision with standing firm and obeying the company’s rules and procedures. However, having a vision actually implies being able to communicate it to the employees, team or business partners. As suggested by the San Diego therapist community, communicating your vision first entails learning how to draw the big picture with words.

In order to verify that the vision is clear for everyone, you should ask employees to explain what they understood in their own words and analyze if they are on the same page with you. Keep your key employees involved and make sure that they truly agree with your point of view. It is necessary to mention that reevaluating the vision from time to time is mandatory for the fast changing world of today.

Quick, committed, analytical and thoughtful

Generally speaking, many managers discover the dark side of the job when they are first in the position of making a major decision. On one hand, you feel pressured since you are assuming responsibility for that decision. On the other hand, you simply cannot be the kind of manager who does not consult with anyone when making a decision. Ideally, a leader should base his decision making process on the Q-CAT system, meaning that he must learn how to assert and decide Quickly, in a Committed manner, using an Analytic process and be Thoughtful.

Team builder

A good leader will always know how to unite his team and turn it into a well-oiled machine. The simplest way to creating a great team implies delegating some of your responsibility to the team, without breathing down their necks and without pointing fingers if something did not go well. Instead, the good leader should make himself available for any questions or problems, approach issues with good humor and inspire his employees to confidence and support.

Alison Strate