
Transforming Your Family through Connection

  1. Communication/Connection: creating a foundation to nurture your relationships. Taking responsibility for mistakes, and avoiding finger pointing.

Learning a way of communication that expresses feelings, wants, and needs helps families avoid blaming and getting into power struggles. It is important that each individual in the relationship can find their voice in order to have their needs met.

  • A mother’s need to find balance, a husband’s need to feel loved, and a child’s need to feel heard.

  • Without communication there is no foundation for a true connection and without a voice individual needs cannot be met.

  • To bring balance to the whole, creating a foundation based on open communication is important to find a true connection for your family.

2. Develop Clear Boundaries: examine expectations, read between the lines, and compromise. Developing clear boundaries, allows one to be clear about who one is in relationships and who others are where one ends and other begin.

  • Understand what a boundary is, who defines them, and how they express them is important. Real reciprocal relationships only develop when there are clear boundaries.

3. Communication & Boundary Skills: must be developed in order to work together as a cohesive family unit. If you find that your family needs assistance in the above areas we are here to help. At S.A.G.E., we can ensure that communication and boundary skills are serviceable. Once this is achieved, we will help you work together to clear resentments and strengthen bonding.

Alison Strate