Bryne Griffy
My name is Bryne Griffy. Through my life experiences, my training, and the work I have done as a licensed therapist… I have come to see that there are two primary aspects of life that shape us:
Our personal challenges and our relationships with others:
For our personal challenges we need to find the path of growth and learning that will enable us to transform the challenges into gifts.
Of course many relationships can be enormously challenging and thus will call us to grow and transform in that way.
However, other relationships have a different nature:
These relationships shape us by the depth of their connection; the experience of understanding and being understood (the experience of complete acceptance and compassion.)
Such relationships have helped me to transform my difficult childhood and painful early life into gifts. Gifts of understanding and connection with the children of divorce and foster care, painful family relationships, and family addiction. The ability to connect with others as they face their challenges. Gifts of growth and transformation that have manifested in a joyous life, a 36 year relationship with my wife and the blessings of being a parent.
As a licensed therapist I aspire to create therapeutic relationships founded in connection, understanding, acceptance and compassion. Of course in my training I have learned many powerful tools and skills, which inform the therapeutic process and engender progress. However, interventions are of limited value in the absence of a strong organic therapeutic relationship (and yes this statement is robustly confirmed by research).
I want to assure you that whatever challenges you face can become your greatest teachers. The task is to find growth instead of despair. We have two choices to live out of fear or to live out of Love. I support you in finding your way to Love.
Training & Knowledge:
Family Systems
Relationship skills including Assertive Communication and Boundaries
Premarital and relationship therapy
Marriage Therapy
IMAGO and Emotional Focused Therapy
Parenting including Conscious Parenting
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Anger Management
Spiritual Psychology
Yoga and body awareness
Relaxation Response
Anxiety Management
Art Therapy
Play Therapy
Chemical Dependency and substance abuse
Issues from childhood
Answering Why?