Looking Ahead to a Brand New Year

The new year is a time to clear the slate, let go of the past, and move forward. We believe in the quote above. Motivation is what gets you started, and habit (with a little hard work in between) is what keeps you going! The beginning of the year is a great time to commit to better habits and a better overall wellness.

We’re not suggesting that you set lofty specific goals or hearty new year’s resolutions. We’re suggesting that you take a moment to reflect on yourself and last year. Is there anything that with a little time and effort dedicated to that, you could change to make your life happier, more joyful and peaceful? Perhaps a daily walk, finding a healthy take out alternative, or an additional 15 minutes to dedicate to a loved one. Setting a few simple daily routines can lead to habits that can make significant changes in your life in just a matter of weeks.    

Whether you’re new to S.A.G.E, or you’ve been coming to us for years, we are here to help you nurture your inner peace and live a happier, more joyful life. If you, your child, or a loved one needs a little motivation or direction or is struggling with other emotional, marital, parenting or mental issues, help is within easy reach. 

A brighter, happier future can begin with one friendly, private session. Our team of highly trained therapists help individuals and families cope with tragedy, avoid divorce, beat addiction, alleviate anxiety, stress and depression, and pursue happier lives. 

Renee Mullen