New Year's Resolutions


In the purest form, the word resolution means to resolve. The New Year brings each of us an opportunity to personally transform our lives or, put another way, an opportunity to start with a clean slate. By making a conscience effort to terminate self-defeating behaviors and patterns, and welcoming love, faith, and positivity into your life, you can truly transform and begin to start over! 

By letting go of your past, you can learn simplicity, patience, and compassion. When you let go of what you no longer need (the past) and begin to take responsibility for your own life, situations, and have decided to make new decisions… your slate has been wiped clean… When the slate is clean, anything is possible, and when anything is possible… you can grow into ANY version of YOU that you want to be!!!



A New Year’s resolution is a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year. Unfortunately, of the 45% of Americans that make New Years Resolution(s) only 8% are successful in achieving them (Statistical Verification: University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2012).


Individuals unconsciously create what is familiar until they finally decide to choose something different, put another way, in earlier life experiences we may have adopted dysfunctional patterns of thinking, being, or relating which holds us back from the life we really want. If you cannot identify these self-limiting habits you have… then you cannot replace the bad habits with positive ones.


That depends expressly on you! If you have the desire, awareness, will, and dedication to become your better self not only is your personal growth attainable… the evolution of your mind, body, and spirit will begin. By understanding and learning to use your greatest treasures (simplicity, patience, acceptance, compassion, and empathy) you can create a space where you are no longer held back by your self-defeating behaviors… for when we can abandon our past (knowledge) and discard our old self, we are creating a SPACE to start over in life with a clean slate. And… when the slate is wiped clean, ANYTHING is possible!

Starting with a Clean Slate: Mind-Set “MATTERS”

  • Resolve the issues from your past.

  • Realize that we are powerless over anyone, anything, any time, or any place.

  • Be aware of your self-limiting and self-sabotaging behaviors.

  • Determine if unresolved issues (from your past) are the cause of your self-destructive patterns.

  • Determine what issues you are facing and decide if you can resolve them on your own, or have the strength to seek help when it is needed.

  • Let go of your old perceptions, beliefs, and theories so you are open to other perspectives, ideas, and thoughts.

  • Open your mind and let go of your preconditioned mindset(s) to see, hear, taste, and touch the many unknowns which are all around you.

  • Become a vessel of compassion, intuition, and understanding, to evolve your way of communicating and connecting with the others around you.

  • Use your wisdom to enhance the lives of others.

    • In order for each of us to live life to it’s fullest… we must cross the bridge from one mind-set to another…

    • 2022 should be about your personal evolution…

Your Life in Harmony

Using your Greatest Treasures to Create SPACE: Having an Open Mind & Open Heart will shape our actions, decisions, and the direction of our lives  (the clean slate)

S Simplicity: simple in actions and thoughts  – make life easier by: letting things be what they are “It is what it is”, realize you already have enough, don’t have expectations, continue to let go of your past, do not allow yourself to become disappointed.

P Patience: have patience for yourself, your friends, and your adversaries – by freeing your mind of any negative thoughts you remove the negative emotions created by the thoughts, when you choose to be patient – life just is and you are in harmony with the way things are.

A Acceptance: let go, let life be as it will be – don’t try to control what happens, don’t become attached to an outcome, don’t be afraid to let go, surrender to what is by having faith that all is as it should be… nothing more, and nothing less that is what freedom feels like.

C Compassion: be compassionate towards yourself and give yourself a break when you honor the humanity in yourself your ability to be compassionate towards others will come easily, understand the emotional state of yourself and of others and do not judge that state of being, don’t take others emotional state of being personally, understand that we are all human beings and each of us has the ability to make mistakes, when we have the ability to understand and realize the perfectly imperfect imperfections of being human we will also find our ability to be compassionate. Each of us… is perfectly imperfect and that’s OKAY.

E Empathy: having the ability to place yourself in someone else’s shoes – seeing the world through another person’s eyes is a significant mindset we should all strive to have, invite intimacy, diffuse tension for when we are angry or disappointed with another (we lose our ability to be open), being empathetic doesn’t mean you have the exact point of view of another, it simply means you understand and validate their point of view (do not disregard it) being open to every perspective even if you do not perceive it the same way will help you promote connected mindfulness and give you the ability to implement one of the greatest relational tools you have.

Remember, this in order to evolve

“When you let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

–Lao Tzu

It is with this SAGE advice in mind that we offer one of the greatest New Year resolutions for EVERY individual Free your mind… by first resolving the issues from your past. When your mind is free, the body, and spirit are connected and the process of evolution has begun… If you find through reading this article you have unresolved issues that are keeping you from becoming successful with YOUR New Year Resolution(s), we are here to help!


Individuals seek therapy for multiple reasons, things such as anxiety, depression, stress, low self-esteem, eating issues, problems at work, problems in relationships, sexual issues, identity issues, addiction issues, anger issues, changes in life are all some of the many reasons we seek help. WHY? Because, deep down we know there just HAS TO BE SOMETHING BETTER THEN THIS!

Ask yourself; today am I going to be…

  • A little kinder?

  • More generous with your thoughts, time, and love?

  • Someone who will smile at everyone (even if they are grumpy) especially if they are grumpy?

  • That free person who can laugh out loud without a care in the world about who may or may not notice me? Can I be FREE?

  • Someone who has the ability to look at things and situations from another’s perspective while keeping an open mind… So I can see ALL of the possibilities?

  • That person who will do something I would never do… without fear?

  • That person who opens up to their surroundings, others around me, the beautiful intricacies of the world, can I notice the world around me with a freedom that I have never felt?

  • Happy, without judgment, openly loving, and tenderly caring?

  • Today, can I truly be me?

Ask yourself; today… will I begin my journey to heal my past, dissolve my bad habits in order to evolve my mind, body, and spirit even if that means… I must seek the assistance of another on my journey.

Alison Strate